Do you need an asbestos removal service in Carlow? Have you an old asbestos roof and would like it replaced? Call Midland Roofing Services today for a free estimate in County Carlow.
Most asbestos roof tiles are actually made up mostly of cement but around 15% is still asbestos which can be very dangerous to your health if not handled correctly.
The three most common types of asbestos roofing is crocidolite, amosite and chrysotile, they all require the proper equipment and training if they are to be disposed of properly.
We do carry out repair work on roofs but if the roof requires major reworking, we will replace it with a different style as asbestos is no longer for sale and cannot be reused or repurposed in Ireland.
We use safety equipment whilst working with asbestos and ensure the disposal of it is done to council regulations. Safety is our number one priority, for you and your family and our roofers in Carlow.
Call Jim and his roofers today at Midland Roofing Services to avail of our low priced roofing services.


Though asbestos removal can be a complex procedure, we will strive to make sure all asbestos removal work at your home in Co. Carlow is carried out in a highly efficient manner whilst ensuring adherence to the highest safety protocols.
We provide a complete asbestos stripping and replacing solution which is tailored completely to your building needs including stage-by-stage removal and relaying.
Our Midland Roofers are fully trained and licensed for the stripping, bagging and transportation of asbestos materials so there is no requirement for separate co-ordination with other specialist firms or the risk of material not being collected promptly.
Our Carlow roofers only use quality suppliers for our roofing materials to ensure each and every roofing service is done to the highest of standards to approved specification.
We work through the entire region in County Carlow providing a fast call out and inspection service.
Call our office in Carlow today on: 05991 87207 for a free no obligation estimate on removing asbestos roofing in Carlow.
Get a free quote today from Midland Roofing Services if you live in the County Carlow region of Ireland.